Your back to school print ad produces added value - at no additional cost - in three outstanding opportunities provided only to advertisers:
Product Spotlight: Each print advertiser is included in our monthly email broadcast featuring products and services advertised in the current issue of DA. You receive a lead report with contact information for each reader who clicks to learn more about your product or service.
The DA White Paper Library: You're invited to promote your industry innovation and expertise by submitting your white papers to the DA White Paper Library here.
Readex Ad Perception Study: How effective is your ad? Advertise in the September issue of DA and find out! You'll receive a customized ad effectiveness report absolutely free.
Special Back to School Bonus
Advertise in both the July/August and September issues of DA and your company will be included in a special category email broadcast - with a lead report - in one of these topic areas
- Technology
- Administration & Finance
- School Security
- Standards & Assessments
- Facilities & Construction
- Curriculum
- Special Education